My favorite 10 N things:
1- N; capital N! that stands 4 my name, North, .. P
2-Noor; oh! our word for Light. I love it! it has enough power to turn me on <3
3-Nirvana; hmm.. that's my secret.. of course 1 of them O.o
4-Names; I'd like to be involved the names and think about them
5- (to) Narate; specially like my fave story tellers
6-Nature; nothing to say. I imagine myself as a true part of it
7-Needle; knitting needle, sewing needle, crocheting one,... every type of it. even Arya Stark's sword!
8- No!; sometimes my preferred or beloved word. hmm should confess I
obsessively like to show me as a unique person by this word
9-Now; most of the time I don't live for present time, but I love it. almost alwaya it has been better than my past years
10-Nomadic life; to make true my deepest desire _discovering the world